Animal Models in Toxicology


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Animal Models in Toxicology is a single-source reference for the use of animal models in toxicology. Chapters cover nine species used in toxicology and experimental biology. With contributions from experts in toxicology, toxicological pathology, and species-specific metabolism, each of these chapters provides an excellent introductory "course" along with guidance to the literature for a more detailed understanding.

This edition includes five new chapters. The first of these provides specific and detailed guidance on the humane, efficient, and effective performance of necropsies for laboratory animals. Other new chapters discuss new technologies available for laboratory animal research―imaging technologies, use of telemetry in animal studies, transgenic animal models, and immunology endpoint for assessment. Also provided is an overview of the increasingly complex laws and regulations that govern how laboratory animals are obtained, maintained, and utilized. A helpful appendix provides a quick guide to commercial sources of laboratory animals.

  • Hardcover: 1152 pages
  • Publisher: CRC Press; Edition: 3 (July 17, 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9781466554283
  • Product dimensions: 17.8 x 25.4 cm

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