Colombo (CMB) To Milan (MIL) Italy Return By Kuwait Airways – Economy
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Class | Economy |
Airline | Kuwait Airways |
Traveller | Adult, Child (2-12), Infant (Under 2) |
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Product Description
- Prices are the lowest estimated. Select dates and search for your requirements.
- There are no hidden charges.
- Bookings are made immediately upon completion of orders online.
- Prices are confirmed for up to 24 hours after placing an order without a payment. This time frame may be reduced when closer to departure date.
- Payments must be made within 24 hours of order placement to guarantee pricing.
- Full travel itinerary will be emailed within 1 day of payment with the booking reference (faster if travelling within 48 hours).
- Booking references can be used on airline websites for check-in and other alterations allowed. We can assist with this process free of charge if needed.
- If you have specific dates of travel (where availability is not shown) or require personal support, please contact us using “Send Message To Seller” (above), email or phone during working hours.
- Under certain circumstances we may be able to price match or improve on certain routes.
- Please contact us with specific information using communication methods provided.
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