Secret Seven Complete Box Set : 17 Titles



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17 Exciting Adventures (Set of 17 Books) revolves around seven fictional child detectives who solve crimes. The group secret headquarters is in a garden shed and they have a badge and a secret password. Peter is the leader of The Secret Seven and is the most mature of all the members. His sister, Janet, is a brave and sincere girl. The group has two other girls, Barbara and Pam, both of whom are Janets schoolmates. Peters best friend Jack is also a part of The Secret Seven. The remaining two members are George and Colin, who attend the same school as Peter. Scamper, Peter and Janets pet dog, always accompany them on their adventures.The Secret Seven: 17 Exciting Adventures (Set of 17 Books) contains seventeen stories which show how these seven children investigate all sorts of mysteries. In the first book, Jack notices that some men have kept a prisoner inside an abandoned house. The Seven decide to snoop around. In Go Ahead Secret Seven, the young detectives hear about a man who pushes dogs down coal holes. It is upto them to stop him! In Secret Seven Mystery, the ninth book of the series, a girl has suddenly disappeared and she is being blamed for robbing her teacher. Will the Seven be able to find her?....

  • ISBN: 9781444954067
  • Language: English
  • Binding: Paper Back
  • Publisher: Hachette Book Pub India Pvt Ltd
  • Total Pages: 248

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